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Séries de vampiros
Brian Lumley's Necroscope Series

Eu sei que não é televisão, mas é uma série de vampiros... e para mim é a melhor série que existe de vampiros, of all times. Se todos os vampiros fossem assim, seria um mundo melhor, eu ainda os respeitaria.

Deixo aqui um pouco da descrição do livro.

First published as a paperback original in 1990, this fourth volume in British author Lumley's popular series pays particular homage to Bram Stoker's Dracula, featuring a multinational team of vampire hunters who rely on the latest technology to scour Europe to foil a master vampire's plans to move his nest and expand his troop of thralls. The hunt's conclusion takes Harry Keogh, the "Necroscope" (one who speaks to the dead), into misty Transylvania, where he fights the resurrected Janos Ferenczy in his ruined castle for possession of his lady love, Sandra. Lumley retains much of the florid melodrama that Stoker reveled in, with an increased explicitness suited to the present day. Still, the traditions are there: vampires can change form, are vulnerable to silver and garlic and must receive permission before entering either a dwelling or a mind. Lumley provides more rationale than Stoker, and he also secularizes the legend, toning down the original's Christian aversion to "blasphemous" dialogue. Lumley also broadens the scope, adding much to the story of psychic abilities, centered on the ultra-secret "E-Branch (`E' for ESP)" division of Britain's Secret Service. With their paranormal powers, Harry's E-Branch teammates give the novel an Ian Fleming/Stephen King crossover feel. Despite a tendency to overreach his descriptive power and the dated Cold War background, Lumley (Psychomech) tells a fast-moving tale of the primal horror of an undead parasite worthy of Stoker's original.

"Like the vampires it so full-bloodedly portrays, Brian Lumley's Necroscope series just gets stronger. His lively mix of action and monstrosity transmutes the base cliché of the vampire and turns it into a wonderfully contemporary bane."--Fear Magazine

"Brian Lumley's skillful mix of epic fantasy and vampire mythology offers wide-angle horror of a scope too rarely seen in modern fiction. His Vamphyri are vicious, savage, ruthless, and unrepentantly evil-- a feast for the horror fan."--F. Paul Wilson

"An accomplished wordsmith, Lumley wields a pen with the deft skill of a surgeon, drawing just enough blood to titillate without offending his readers."--The Phoenix Gazette
-- Review

1. Brian Lumley's writing style is... unique. He truly shines during this series, but... buyer beware. He has a quirky style to say the least. Don't look for characters who mirror real-life. They don't. Don't look for his "pseudo-science" to make too much sense... it doesn't. But the rewards far outweigh any suspension of disbelief you'll have to excercise. DO look for quality, suspense filled writing that builds and builds until it hits the boiling point! DO look for some of the most inventive and original use of "blood-and-guts" ever to be put on paper, and somehow he manages to keep the descriptions eloquent and elegant.

2. These books contain, without question, the greatest vampire literature in the history of mankind. This is not a joke, nor is it blind worship of the author. Lumley's vampires are leaps and bounds above any other vampire characterizations you will ever find, period.

3. Lumley's use of stories-within-stories is also top notch. He is the only author I know (with the possible exception of older King) who can tell a very long and detailed history of a character or plotline (for hundreds of pages sometimes!) without losing his readers or becoming boring. You WANT to know what happened way back when, and when Lumley is finished, you crave more!

I have been reading this series of books for a long time, and these books are masterpieces!!! I am not the biggest vampire fan around, I think they are old, overused and out of date. However, Lumley has found a way to make a story so gripping and so original, that NECROSCOPE is one of my favorite books of all time!! A war between the dead and vampires, MASTERWORK if you ask me!! This novel charicters are also original and they do the story justice! I am sure this book will become a classic read in the years to come. I also think it's a shame that authors like Anne Rice get well noted for their vampire novels, when they don't even come close to Lumley's vampires. Brian Lumley's work to me is just as good as William Peter Blatty's 'The Exorcist' of Stephen King's 'Salem's Lot.' You will understand me once you have read it. NECROSCOPE is the ultimate in vampire horror.

Infelizmente, ou felizmente, nunca poderá haver uma série de televisão sobre o NECROSCOPE. Não uma que faça juz aos livros. Impossível fazer sem deturpar a história.
There's no stoppin' what can't be stopped, no killin' what can't be killed. You can't see the eyes of the demon, until him come callin'...

Messages In This Thread
Séries de vampiros - by psenes - 01-11-2009, 01:46
RE: Séries de vampiros - by Rufferto - 01-11-2009, 13:44
RE: Séries de vampiros - by Khorazyn - 01-11-2009, 13:58
RE: Séries de vampiros - by Rufferto - 01-11-2009, 16:09
RE: Séries de vampiros - by psenes - 02-11-2009, 00:20
RE: Séries de vampiros - by Rufferto - 02-11-2009, 08:55

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